Tuesday, March 25, 2014

carroll.vs.united states

the summary of this case is that the 4th amedment was not broken. the cops have the right to search a vehical without a warrent and take what they find for evidence.the liquor that was seized was used for the conviction to the ones who transported it to a dry state or dry city.
  the court said it broke the national prohibition act and the two vehcials that the liquor was found had 68 quarts of wiskey and gin. the defendents made a motion to have the liquor retuned to the defendant  carroll who owned the vehcial.
I agree with the court system because anyone who has liquor in a vehcial has a chance to drink and drive and the court ruled in the favor and arrested carroll

Friday, February 7, 2014

president essay

John Adams

November 1, 1800, just before the election John Adams arrived in the new Capital City he wrote his wife, "Before I end my letter, I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings on this House and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof." John Adams sent three commissioners to France in the spring of 1798. Then later on word from the French foreign ministers Talleyrand and the directory had refused to negotiate unless they would first pay a bribe.  Adams did not call for a declaration of war , but hostilities began at sea. By 1800 armed merchantmen and U.S. warships were clearing.

Friday, November 22, 2013

"Eleven Score and seventeen years ago, our forefathers wanted to stop

The state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support.  Many people now a day have very little income and are having a hard time supporting their families. Some people need to ask for help but are to scared toget help when they need it. may people are better off asking for help then not getting help at all.

Monday, November 4, 2013

11-4-13 bell ringer

1. What effect will tough requirements such as this have on voters?
voters will no like to try and get the voting cards and vote .
2. Can these requirements violate the rights of voters?
yes  this is voiliating the right voters have to vote because the government needs to let the voters who have a voting card  go

Friday, October 11, 2013

bell ringer10-11-13

1. Is it fair to force the states to pay something that is the responsibility of the national government. no its nt fair for the people to pay for something that is not there fault. the government needs to get back on track and solve the problem.
2.  i would like and visit the rockey mountanins  because i would like to see all of the mountains and things like that.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

bell ringer 10-8-13

Do you agree or disagree with changing the name?  Defend your position in one paragraph.  I do not agree with this name change for the redskins and they need to keep the name because they have had the name for many years. the nfl needs to come up with a way so that the redskins can keep there name.

Monday, September 30, 2013

bell ringer 9/30/13

1.What do all have in common? all the articals have bombings in common and its a act of terror.