Monday, September 30, 2013

bell ringer 9/30/13

1.What do all have in common? all the articals have bombings in common and its a act of terror.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Bell Ringer 9/6/13

1. Write a reaction to the article. i think the father was trying to teach his son some good sentence structure and he should not be punished for trying to teach his son something.

2. What do the father's action show? The fathers actions show  that he was trying to teach his son good garmmer.

3. Would this have been acceptable in the 1950s? this woukd be accpetable in the 1950s but just not leave any marks on a kid and then wait and see if they make the same thing over again. If the kid did the same thing wrong and then they would be hit again.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

bell ringer 9/5/13

1. Should McDonalds raise the prices on its "Dollar Menu?" Justify your answer.
McDonalds should not raise their prices and they should lower the prices and everything.

2. Should entry level fast food workers be paid a "living wage?"
No they should not be paid living wage for a low paying job they should be paid miniumal wage for the job they do.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

bell ringer 8/30 /13

1.  Go to the following site and write your response to the article on YOUR blog!!!! i think that what they cafe did was wrong and unlawful and something needs to be done about the way people treat others.

2.we talked about it in class.

bell ringer 8/27/13

1.  Should the two boys be tried as adults? why or why not?
the boys should be tried as adults for the crime they committed

2.  Should their identity remain undisclosed or since the crime is heinous? justify your answer?
their identity should remain undisclosed.

3.  What can we as a society do to keep crimes like this from happening?
we need to put our foot down more on the laws and the crime rates around the world and they need to make the punishment more punishable.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

bell ringer 9/3/13

1. Do you think this is invasion of your privacy? Justify your answer
yes it is a invasion of my privacy.

2. Does this comply with the terms and conditions for use of Facebook? Have you read them?
the terms and conditions for facebook says that anything that is illegel and no i have not read them.

3. Does this violate your 4th Amendment rights?
yes it does violate my 4th amendment right.